At the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting held on Thursday, March 3rd, our Board elected this year’s Nominating Committee by anonymous ballot. The committee will be commencing meetings shortly to determine the 2022 – 2023 slate of officers and directors. Along with Chairperson Patricia Orzano, the committee members are as follows:
Patricia Orzano, Chairperson
Robert R. Barrett
Lucrezia Falacara
Stephen Parmiter
Isabelle Rapacciuolo
Tony Ventiera
Committee alternates are Gary Slavin, Tim Ryan, and Phyllis Doria. An alternate will be asked to serve on the committee only in the event that one of our elected committee members are unable to participate for whatever reason.
Congratulations to our elected Nominating Committee. We appreciate your participation in this essential Chamber committee!
Submit your Résumé for Board Consideration
The Nominating Committee is considering any new candidates who would be interested in serving on the Board of Directors for the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce. Candidates must be current paid members in good standing who have actively attending General Meetings within the past 18 months. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, the committee asks that you please forward a résumé, specifically detailing your business and community involvements, to our Chamber office at by Friday, March 11th.
Please note that résumés submitted on your behalf from an outside source will not be accepted – the candidate must directly submit their information to the Chamber office by March 11th if they would like their résumé to be reviewed for consideration. The committee will then discuss and review all potential candidates. Thank you very much!