We hope that you will join the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce for our Fall Fusion Networking Luncheon!
Thursday, September 28th at 12:00 Noon
Gusto Divino Trattoria (3930 Sunrise Highway, Seaford)
REGISTRATION REQUIRED! https://massapequachamberofcommerce.growthzoneapp.com/ap/Events/Register/zLE33Vqp?mode=Attendee
Meeting Highlight: This meeting will feature our Annual Law Enforcement Officers of the Year Awards, where we will proudly honor our local law enforcement officers for their bravery and outstanding service and dedication to the local community.
Network with your fellow business professionals while enjoying a delicious luncheon! Raffle Prizes are always needed and appreciated. Attend for a chance to be named “Member of the Month.” We are looking forward to seeing you all, and we thank you for your continued support!