Assistance Requested for MHS Business Education Program

The Massapequa Chamber of Commerce was recently alerted that the college-level Intro to Business classes at Massapequa High School are participating in a special project developed by the New York Institute of Technology. The students will conduct real-life research to assist a struggling business, and then present their solutions to the company. The students will compete against each other in this project, and there will be opportunities for prizes and scholarships.

The program is asking for assistance from our local businesses. Prize donations and/or scholarship donations for the winners would be much appreciated, and any businesspeople who are willing to volunteer their time to help judge the contest and/or offer their expertise to the business students are also needed. The program is scheduled to take place this March. If you are interested in assisting in any way or need more information, please contact MHS Business Education teacher Mr. Charlie Everitt by e-mailing

The Massapequa Chamber of Commerce is proud to support our local school’s Business Education program, and we appreciate any member who would be willing to participate in this project!