On Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the Massapequa Chamber of Commerce proudly hosted our Hawaiian Installation & Awards Dinner at Patrizia’s in Massapequa Park.
Congratulations to our newly installed Executive Officers:
President – Robin Hepworth
First Vice President – Linda Rowse
Second Vice President – Sal Polito
Third Vice President – Janice Talento
Treasurer – Karen Gawrych
Recording Secretary – Tom LoFaso
Congratulations to our newly installed Board of Directors:
Robert Barrett, Lucrezia Falacara, Maria Guzzetta, Chris Merz, Annette Morreale, Jenna Muscarella, Stephen Parmiter, Isabelle Rapacciuolo, Tim Ryan, Gary Slavin, Keith Wilson, and Robert Zabbia
Thank you again to our outgoing President Robert Zabbia for his dedicated service over the past two years.