June 10, 2022
Dear Merchants, Business Owners, and Fellow Members:
Frank Sinatra said it best – “Now the end is near, and so I face the final curtain.” These are words that come to mind as I complete my term and final message to all after two years of being President of this fine organization. It was indeed my privilege to be the President from 2020-2022 during very interesting times and occurrences. I took office three months after COVID-19 began, and I did not know what to expect. Faith and reason kept me going, and now after two years, the Chamber is on a fine path, continuing our great programs and services. To avoid the risk of leaving anyone out, I will not mention names, but I must thank all involved for making the last two years memorable indeed.
Goals and objectives are achievable when the team in place all work toward a common purpose, and that is what we achieved in working for that purpose to be realized. The nineteen Board Members and I were all expressive and uninhibited when speaking about our passion for the business of the Chamber, and that is what makes us better and achieve higher. Mark Twain once said, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” We all worked hard, and the luck of the results shows now and hopefully in the future.
You should all know that I leave this Chamber on a sound financial footing, with all bills paid and our accounts in order, as this was one of my main goals during my administration. All committees are functioning, and the Bylaws have been reviewed and will soon be approved for guiding us down the road of future success.
My thanks to Shelley Siemsen, as she has been invaluable to me as the President. No President could perform this job without her. She truly loves her position and this Chamber. As the first point of contact for all, she is invaluable to us as an Office Manager.
Please remember that this is your Chamber, and we all have a stake in the future success of our organization. You all need to come to our General Meetings and let your voices be heard. This again is what makes us better as a community organization.
One last reminder – the July 4th parade will take place in Massapequa Park and kickoff is 11:00 AM. Please try to attend and march proudly as we salute to our independence.
Lastly, I wish my successor and friend Robert Zabbia and the new Board all the best as they steer the ship to greater heights.
My thanks to all for two great years and the experience of a lifetime.
Keith Wilson, President
Massapequa Chamber of Commerce