At the April 22, 2021 General Meeting, the Chairperson of The Nominating Committee, Patricia Orzano, presented the nominations for the Officers & Board of Directors. The nominations were submitted by the Nominating Committee for the new term beginning 6/24/2021 to 6/23/2022.
Board of Directors
Robert R. Barrett
Phyllis Doria
Lucrezia Falacara
Denis Monette
Patricia Orzano
Stephen Parmiter
Sal Polito
Isabelle Rapacciuolo
Howard Ritzer
Tim Ryan
Janice Talento
Anthony Ventiera
The Chairperson asked if there were any nominations from the floor 3 times. There were no nominations from the floor. Upon nominations duly made and seconded, the above nominations were unanimously qualified.
Linda Rowse – Recording Secretary
Gary Slavin – Treasurer
Robin Hepworth – Third Vice President
Karen Gawrych – Second Vice Present
Robert Zabbia – First Vice President
Keith Wilson – President
The Chairperson asked if there were any nominations from the floor 3 times. There were no nominations from the floor. Upon nominations duly made and seconded, the above nominations were unanimously qualified.
Notes Respectfully Submitted by,
Linda Rowse, Recording Secretary
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