Legislator Rose Marie Walker has forwarded this information to provide an update to our members and her constituents on the main issues of Nassau property assessment and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Property Assessment:
If you disagree with the current assessed value of your home, you can file a grievance. For information on how to grieve your property taxes, please visit https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/2207/How-to-Appeal-Your-Assessment.
The property tax grievance filing period runs from now until March 1, 2021. The Legislator will host two virtual Property Tax Grievance Seminars in February. Please e-mail LegDistr17@nassaucountyny.gov if you would like more information.
Reminder: Your 2021 first half General Tax Bill must be paid by February 10, 2021 to avoid interest or penalties.
COVID-19 Vaccinations:
As of Friday, January 7th, there are 785 COVID-19 cases in Nassau County hospitals. The County is seeing approximately 1,500 new positive cases a day. While the numbers remain high, our hospitals have enough room to provide the necessary care for their patients.
Phase One of the Vaccine Program has been extended, and will include other groups such as those in the medical field that are in close contact with patients in outpatient settings and those working in public health who have close interaction with visitors (such as those providing COVID-19 tests.) The County has set up a website to find out if you are eligible, and make an appointment once eligibility has been determined: www.nassaucountyny.gov/vaccine.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact the Legislator’s office directly at (516) 571 – 6217.